Education and Community Literacy [E& CL] Program
One of the core objectives of KDA is to Raise Literacy Rate with especial focus on Girls Education. In this connection the KDA has designed education strategy by initiating a series of activities relating to E&CL Program. KDA launched Girls Primary Schools program with support of Sindh Education Foundation Govt: of Sindh to provide quality education in remote areas at free of cost.
To increase interest of Children for Reading Extra-Curricular activities are being carried out in the Schools. In this regard Quiz Competition, Speech Competition, Healthy Activities and exposure visits have been conducted.
KDA has conducted Capacity Building of Teachers focusing Early Childhood Education and established Parent Teacher Committees in different villages to cater with dropout ratio which is common in Public Schools.Community is also being sensitized and aware regarding the demand of education for all and presence of ghost teachers on their duty. Keeping in view Taluka Liaison Committees have been framed 26 Talukas of 5 Districts of Larkana Region, with support of Citizen’s Voice Project of USAID.
SMCs and PTAs have also focused for improvement of public schools in remote areas, therefore, sessions with SMCs and PTAs are being conducted on regular basis.
Girls Primary Schools
KDA is running Girls Primary Schools (GPS) under the Integrated Education Learning Program (IELP) launched by Sindh Education Foundation in District Kashmore; through this intervention more than 1137 students are being imparted with quality education by 22 Female teachers in 8 GPS. These teachers are also being trained through the various capacity building trainings conducted by KDA and SEF. These schools were opened by the KDA in remote areas where no any other school is available with good distance.

Total Enrolment in each School


Village Suhri Bund UC Lalao Taluka Tangwani

75390 128

Village Kaloo Khan Bhayo UC Haibat Taluka Kandhkot

75394 121

Village Saleem Khan Khoso UC Kajli Taluka Kandhkot

75396 265

Village Lal Bux Mirani UC Haibat Taluka Kandhkot

75353 100

Village Ali Muhammad UC Haibat Taluka Kandhkot

75356 147

Shahdad Khan Bhayo UC Dari Taluka Kandhkot

75358 126

Village Bilwal Bhayo UC Lalao Taluka Tangwani

75354 125

Village Ghulam Qadir UC Ghouspur Taluka Kandhkot

75389 125
TOTAL 1137
Background of the Locations/Area of Work
There was no school available in the above mentioned areas in distance of 1 kilometer. Kainaat Development Association (KDA) through Sindh Education Foundation (SEF) under the Integrated Education Learning Program (IELP) project, achieved to open Eight Schools in described above locations. The area, where are these schools established, belongs flood affected and tribal village and remote areas hence there were no Girls school active or functional prior to the above eight Schools due to resistance of tribal customs, religious extremism and security problem area. Detail of Each School is as under;
01. The Kainaat School’s in Village Suhri Bund
This school is located at Suhri Bund the total enrolment of students is 128, from this total count there are 90 girls and 38 are boys, which are being taught by our highly experienced teachers. There are three female Teachers, one Peon, one Chowkidar, three Class rooms, one wash room and one big play ground in this school. This school is situated in U/C Lalao Taluka Tangwani.
Annual Exams 2013-2014 “The Kainaat School’s” at Village Suhri Bund s

02. The Kainaat School’s in Village Rais Kaloo Khan Bhayo
This school is located at Village Rais Kaloo Khan Bhayo. The total enrolment of this school is 121 in accordance with services 81 girls & 40 boys students are being taught here and Three female Teachers, one Peon & one Chowkidar doing their job fruit fully. There are three class rooms, one wash room & one big play ground in this school. This school is about 5 Km away from Kandhkot city at the south side & this school is present at U/C Haibat Taluka Kandhkot.
Annual Exams 2013-2014 “The Kainaat School’s” at Village Rais Kaloo Khan Bhayo

03. The Kainaat School’s in Village Saleem Khan Khoso
This school is located at the village Saleem Khan Khoso and total enrolment of students is 265 in this school. There are 110 girls and 155 are boys getting their education here. Four female teachers are teaching them well with dignity and honesty. There are four class rooms, one wash room and a big play ground in this school. This school is situated at U/C Kajli Taluka Kandhkot it is 10 kilometers away from north side of Kandhkot city.
Annual Exams 2013-2014 in “The Kainaat School’s” at Village Saleem Khan Khoso

04. The Kainaat School’s in Village Lal Bux Mirani
This school is Located at Village Lal Bux Mirnai. There are 100 children enrolled in this school. The break down figure is 61 girls and 39 are boys. There are two female teachers, one Peon, one Chowkidar, two class rooms, one wash room and one big play ground in this school. This school is situated at U/C Haibat and Taluka Kandhkot. It is located at Tori Bund which is famous on account of 2010 super flood breach.
Annual Exams in The Kainaat School at Village Lal Bux Mirani

05. The Kainaat School’s in Village Ali Muhammad Bhayo
This school is located at village Ali Muhammad Bhayo. The complete addmission of this school is 147 out of them 82 are girls and remaining 65 are boys. There are three highly experienced female teachers.. One Peon, one Chowkidar are appointed. There are three class rooms, one wash room, one big play ground in this school. This school is situated in U.C Haibat Taluka Kandhkot it is 8 kilometers away.
Annual Exams 2013-2014 “The Kainaat School’s” at Village Ali Mohd Bhayo

06. The Kainaat School’s in Village Shahdad Khan Bhayo
This school is located at village Shahdad Khan Bhayo. This school is present in U/C Dari Taluka Kandhkot the highest numbers of 126 students are enrolled in this school out of this enrolment 55 are Girls and 71 are boys which are being taught here under supervision of 3 highly qualified experienced female teachers. There is one Peon, one Chowkidar are appointed. Threr are five class rooms, one wash room and one play ground in this school. It is 12 kilometers away from east side of Kandhkot City.
Annual Exams 2013-2014 “The Kainaat School’s” at Village Shahdad Khan

07. The Kainaat School’s in Village Bilawal Khan Bhayo
This school is Located at Village Bilawal Khan Bhayo. There are 125 students are enrolled in this school while 88 students are girls and 37 are boys out of them, which is 7 kilometer away from Kandhkot at South. There are three female Teachers, one Peon, one Chowkidar, three class rooms, one wash room, one big play ground in this school. This School is situated at U/C Lalao Taluka Tangwani.
Annual Exams 2013-2014 “The Kainaat School’s” at Village Ghulam Qadir Shaikh

08. The Kainaat School’s in Village Ghulam Qadir Shaikh
This school is located at the village Ghulam Qadir Shaikh and it is situated in U/C Ghouspur Taluka Kandhkot. 125 students are enrolled from them 89 are girls and 36 are boys are getting education for shining their future. There are three female Teachers are performing their duty faithfully, one Peon and one Chowkidar are appointed and there are three class rooms, one washroom and one big play ground in this school. This school is 16 kilometers away from east side of Kandhkot city.
Annual Exams 2013-2014 “The Kainaat School’s” at Village Ghulam Qadir Shaikh

09. Extra-Curricular Activities
To ensure the intrest of children in reading Extra-Curricular Activities are being arranged by KDA, in this regard Quiz Competition, Speech Competition and exposure visits among students and teachers are being carried out. These sort activities created more interest among the children, parents and teachers resulting interest in reading increased and dropout ratio is decreasing.
Speech Competition among Primary School Children

10. Parents Teachers Committees (PTC)
KDA with support of community has established Parents Teachers Committees in target villages and this committee consist upon seven members out of them four male and three females.The core purpose of these committees is to support “The Kainaat School’s” and reduce the dropout ratio. Further the PTC’s are also given responsibility to monitor the schools on regular basis and provide guidance for improvement in school. They are also meeting with community of their area whose children do not attend the school and find out the reasons. KDA Team meet with PTC’s in every month for their progress and area of improvement in the schools.
PTC Meeting at The Kainaat School’s Village Raid Kaloo Khan Bhayo

11. Teacher’s Trainings
Teacher’s Training is main component for improvement in quality education. Teachers are backbone to play role for quality education and their full concentration is required for achieving quality education, therefore KDA conducts Teachers Trainings, sensitize them and providing Technical and Professional guts for imparting quality education to the children. In this regard a series of Trainings have been done.
Teachers Training at KDA Office

12. Free Books Distribution:
Poor meritorious students are being facilitated with scholar ship and Free Books by the KDA, in this regard in every year thousands of students were given Books at free of cost with support of SEF and 50 students have been given scholarship in every year.
Free Books Distribution among students